EventsEventsDASLS Legal Awards 2025 - Drinks Pre-OrderDescriptionPlease pre-order your drinks for your table
Joint 'British Maths Colloquium' and 'British Applied Maths Colloquium' ConferenceDescriptionBritish Mathematical Colloquium and British Applied Mathematics Colloquium University of Exeter 23rd – 26th June 2025
Title and abstract submission for contributed talks (general or workshop specific), mini-symposia talks, and posters. Please complete this separate form if you wish to offer a contributed talk or a poster at the meeting, or if you have been invited to contribute to a mini-symposium by one of the mini-symposium organisers. Workshop topics can be found on our website. __________________________________________________________________
Global Tipping Points Conference 2025DescriptionThe conference is a ‘call to action’ to the research community, policymakers, and business to raise awareness and understanding of the importance of tipping points and to accelerate the required action. The Global Systems Institute at the University of Exeter, the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and the Max Planck Institute for Geoanthropology will co-host the Global Tipping Points Conference in July 2025.
Exeter Climate Conference 2025DescriptionThe Exeter Climate Conference will cover the latest research on the impacts of climate change and the ways humanity can avoid and adapt to worsening impacts in the future. The Global Systems Institute at the University of Exeter and the Met Office will co-host the Exeter Climate Conference (2nd July -4th July 2025), as part of the Exeter Climate Forum.