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Ecology and Conservation

Ecology and Conservation

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Nature Positive Futures


Over three days, this executive education course will focus on how people, businesses, and nature can prosper together. Business depends upon nature, and nature needs business. Join us to find out how you, your team, and your organisation can help nature recover, and how incorporating nature into your strategy can improve your bottom line. Activities and discussions will centre around key concepts and themes that can benefit your business. These include: • Nature’s contributions to people (ecosystem services) • Innovation in biodiversity sensors and biomimicry • Nature-related Financial Disclosures and Biodiversity Net Gain • Measuring how business both depends and impacts upon nature • Communicating nature positivity and working with stakeholders • Developing Nature Positive business practice while navigating the regulatory landscape. The aim of Nature Positive Futures is to share the latest research and concepts in biodiversity, and the relationship between nature and business. You will learn how your business can benefit from incorporating nature-based solutions into its strategy. The course comprises interactive masterclasses, networking sessions, and field trips in the unique and outstanding natural beauty of Cornwall, all hosted by our world-leading academic experts in biodiversity and nature recovery. Accommodation, evening meals with guest speakers, and workshops will feature Falmouth’s best hotels and restaurants, close to outstanding natural landscapes, the Southwest Coast Path, and historic sites of Cornwall.

Attendee CategoryCost   
Option 1 Master class (excluding accommodation)£5760.00[Read More]
Option 2 Master Class (including accommodation)£6372.00[Read More]
Option 3 Master Class with University of Exeter Alumni / Partner discount (excluding accommodation)£4608.00[Read More]
Option 4 Master Class with University of Exeter Alumni / Partner discount (including accommodation)£5220.00[Read More]