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Replacement Staff (Exeter Campus - Washington Singer)

Staff Unicard



A replacement for a lost Staff Unicard for staff who are based at the Exeter campuses.


Detailed Description

If you choose to collect your card in person then:

If you make your payment before 12 noon, you will be able to collect your card on the following working day between 9am and 5pm from either the Northcote reception Desk at Streatham Campus or the SID Desk on St Lukes Campus. If you make your payment after 12 noon you will be able to collect your card between 1pm and 5pm on the following working day.

Please note: you must show another form of identification (bank card, driving licence or passport) to the Information Desk staff when you go to collect your new card.

If your UniCard has been stolen, please report the stolen card to the Police and note your Crime Reference Number.  You can then get your card replaced for free.

If you have any queries about replacement cards, please phone University Reception at (01392) 661000 or email universityreception@exeter.ac.uk