Delivering Psycho-education groups masterclassInfo Location Contact Event Information![]()
DescriptionPsychoeducational groups are an integral part of effective step 2 delivery. It is essential that groups are evidence-based and tailored to their audience and are delivered confidently by PWPs in a way that gives patients confidence and assurance they are getting a good quality treatment intervention for their difficulties. This masterclass is designed to support qualified PWPs to develop and expand skills with running groups to a more advanced level, and examine the key components needed to effectively run groups to provide optimal care for all patients. A range of engaging teaching methods are used throughout the day to provide an optimal engaging experience and to cater for different learning styles including lectures, small and large group discussions, individual reflection and skills practice. The content of the masterclass will cover topics like the background and evidence-base for groups at step 2, how to determine whether someone will benefit from a psychoeducational group, how to confidently ‘sell’ groups to a patient, how to deal with anxiety and ambiguity around groups (for patients and practitioners). It will also focus on how to develop your own evidence-based, engaging and effective group sessions and how this can help with an effectively run service. It will look at groups used in other contexts and what we can learn for a low-intensity context. There will be sections on how to upskill other PWPs to run groups and how to ensure group facilitation is part of all PWPs’ job role. It will examine some of the interpersonal difficulties PWPs can encounter in a group environment, managing expectations, having difficult conversations and common difficulties encountered by patients and practitioners and how to overcome them.
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ContactIf you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected]. |