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Targeted Email / E-Shot 2024/25

Targeted Email / E-Shot 2024/25


Terms and Conditions



  • There is a charge of £200 + VAT to send a targeted email. This is a flat rate, regardless of the size of cohort you wish to target.
  • Booking slots are allocated by week, designated as Week Commencing (W/C) at a particular date. This means that we undertake to send your email on a working day during the week requested. Requests for distribution on specific dates will be honoured where possible but this cannot be guaranteed.
  • The service is available during official University term-times only.


  • Content should be sent to [email protected] by midday on the first working day of the week you have booked. If you fail to send your material by then we reserve the right to cancel the booking with no refund.
  • All email requests are subject to our approval of your email content. Content must be careers-related only. We reserve the right to reject any email request at our sole discretion.
  • All content should be potentially relevant to all of the intended recipients. (See also Targeting)
  • We reserve the right to edit the content of your email to ensure compliance with university policies and procedures.
  • Content may include text (including hyperlinks), plus simple logos and graphics. All graphics must be supplied separately in a standard format, e.g. JPG. Please not that we cannot guarantee the inclusion of any specific element in the final email.
  • We make no guarantee as to how the email will appear in recipient inboxes. We cannot guarantee that text or graphics will display correctly, that hyperlinks will work, or that any content functions or appears as intended.
  • It is the content-sender’s sole responsibility to ensure that all content is correct. We do not check emails for errors including, but not limited to, factual accuracy, spelling, grammar, or link functionality.
  • Once an email is sent or scheduled, it cannot be recalled or in any way revised.


  • Emails are normally sent to current undergraduate students. Post-graduate (taught) students may be targeted by special request. We do not send emails to staff members, researchers, or any other categories.
  • Emails are sent to the email account provided to students by the University. We do not send material to students’ personal accounts. We offer no guarantee that students use their University email accounts or that they will read any material sent to them.
  • Students can normally be targeted on the basis of year or department. We cannot guarantee our system categories will always precisely match very specific requirements. Where we have reason to believe that content may not be relevant to a particular group
  • We cannot include or exclude target students using any other criteria including, but not limited to, academic performance, nationality, gender, ethnicity, disabilities, age or any other category protected by the Equality Act 2010 or any other legislation.
  • Targeting is based on data held in University records. We make no warranty as to the accuracy of these data.
  • The email must be at least potentially relevant to all the likely recipients, within the limitations set out above. This means, for example, that you cannot send an email with material targeted solely at women due to the number of men that will likely receive material not relevant to them.
  • The University Data Protection Policy allows students to opt-out of receiving certain types of email from the University, including targeted emails. Students that opt out will not receive your email.
  • Our system normally collates the following information about targeted emails: The total number of intended recipients; number of successful deliveries; email open rate (percentage and/or number); click rate (percentage and/or number); unique URL clicks, where relevant (percentage and/or number). If requested, and the data is readily available, we will supply these data, but we reserve the right to refuse such requests if we have any reason to believe doing so may breach our legal or ethical obligations (e.g. around data protection.)



  • Cancellation must be made in writing via email to [email protected] by midday Wednesday prior to the week in which the slot is booked.