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Leading Now: Tools for Successful Leadership in the 21st Century

Leading Now



The Leading Now programme equips leaders with research-driven insights and a unique framework for navigating complex challenges. This programme goes beyond traditional leadership education, addressing new responsibilities and challenges with advanced, research-guided insights.


Detailed Description

The Leading Now programme equips leaders in the 21st century with research-driven insights and a unique framework for navigating complex challenges. Leading Now: Tools for successful leadership in the 21st century is offered by the Exeter Centre for Leadership at the University of Exeter Business School. We proudly offer research-guided insights which go beyond the scope of traditional leadership education to address the new responsibilities and leadership challenges of the 21st century. Our programme offers aspiring, new and existing leaders the opportunity to develop their knowledge and seek new perspectives from our ‘4P’ (Performance, People, Progress, Principle) model for leadership. By joining the programme, participants build a deep understanding of their own leadership behaviours, personal values and vision, allowing them to navigate a changing and complex work environment with confidence and authenticity.