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Firedrake-Fenics Use-case Hackathon

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Event Information

Firedrake-Fenics Use-case Hackathon
Dates of Event
12th May 2025 – 14th May 2025
Last Booking Date for this Event
31st March 2025


* Are you interested in making better use of Firedrake or FEniCS or an application based on them?

* Would you like to showcase your work with Firedrake or FEniCS?

* Would you like future developments to cater to your application needs?

* Could you use some input from the developers?

* Would you just enjoy 3 days of programming your model in a beautiful setting in Devon?

If the answer to any of these questions is yes, join us at the use case hackathon.



Attendee CategoryCostPlace(s) Available  
Ticket - full price£50.000[Read More]